How to Prepare a Long Trip

Having a long trip on train, car, or bus can be a boring thing if you have no preparation. Lucky for you, I’ve become a “professional traveler” based on the number of trips I’ve taken, and I’m ready to share my best travel tips with you. Or you can visit to know the best tips what to prepare on your long trip.

Prepare Your Packs and Your Ticket

On Train

Carrying heavy bags through the subway down and up the stairs at almost every station while on the road can be a real pain. So do your best to pack light, especially if you’ll only be spending a few days somewhere and not attending specific events. It always happens that we have to pack extra because we have a union or a party to attend. And that’s fine too. Something that can fit in your smaller bag, but still has room for the things you’ll need for the trip. Also, be sure to consider the restrictions for your particular type of transportation. Some have weight or baggage limits, depending on what you choose.

Luggage Okay, this may be the most important piece of advice I will give you. If you’re like me and want to pick a seat and you’re also crazy to ask strangers at the event if they can sit together, sing a song. Get there sooner than you think you should. If your ticket or reservation says, “Passengers must arrive 20 minutes before departure for the bathroom,” arrive 30 or 45 minutes early. Trust me, everyone will be there and you’ll probably be at the front of the line, just like the first person in line (I’ve been there before and it’s awesome).

Bring Something Fun on Your Trip

Man Driving As for packing items for a long trip, here are some essentials. My laptop. It’s always with me for many reasons. One is the simple fact that I’m writing a website and don’t know when inspiration will come or when I’ll want to discover a post while on vacation. I also like having the ability to watch Netflix or YouTube or surf the web after the Wi-Fi is working on board.

It’s also the perfect time to find new music or study unique playlists. Don’t break your mom’s homemade lasagna. Train rides are usually easy, but not as smooth. We know it can happen from time to time; that loud child who won’t stop screaming in the back seat, or the man who talks angrily on the phone the whole way. What I’ve discovered on this trip is that you can’t control other women and men. You can be an amazing person and expect others to follow.…