Camping with your kids can be daunting, but the benefits are well worth it. Instilling a passion for the outdoors is just as important as the feeling of family togetherness that comes from normal life distractions. Our family has camped many times with young children, and we’ve learned many tips to make the experience a little easier with little ones at home. For example, you should bring a camping pillow for each family member to make them comfortable sleeping for a better rest. Besides that, let’s learn simple tips to get the best camping trip experience with your kids.

Camping Tips With Kids

Create a Safety Zone

One of the most dangerous components of camping is campfires at night. Camping fires are usually not raised off the ground, which increases the potential for danger. Young children are often unsteady on their feet, act impulsively, and have no sense of danger around the flame. It is important to draw a three-foot “safety line” around the fire where children cannot enter. This can be accomplished by placing a ring of seats around the flame and prohibiting children from playing or running in the distance between the seats and the flame. Children of this age need constant supervision near the fire.

Pack Extra Sleeping Bags and Camping Towels

Camping Tips With KidsAfter having full-day outdoor activities, a good night’s sleep is essential, especially for our kids. So, you should bring extra compact towels for each person. Having an extra sleeping bag tucked in the car can turn an unfortunate nighttime moisture problem into a solvable one. It is essential to bring these sleeping items to ensure your family and your kids will get up fully charged and stay healthy.

Pack the Right Toys

Some toys are much better after camping than others. Leave the stuffed animals at home, except for this particular toy that your little one will be sleeping with. Toys should be easy to wash, as they are likely to get soaked in sand and dirt throughout the trip. Toys from the Dollar Store are a wonderful option, as they are inexpensive if lost or damaged. Some of our favorite camping toys are trucks and toy cars. Our kids also love the water toys that they can use in the pool, lake, or river.

Mark Tent Lines

Camping Tips With KidsOne of the scariest things that can happen when camping in a tent is that the tent having camped many times with small children; one of the most common causes of this unfortunate occurrence is that staked kayak lines are often hard to see and easy to trip over. These can easily fall onto the tent wall. A simple solution would be to glue or tie a lightweight bracelet to each tent line’s base to show where they meet the ground.


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